Essential Oils and Diffuser Picks

Hello Everyone,

I’m so glad to be sharing this blog with you all! If you know anything about me, you will know that sharing wellness tips is honestly my greatest joy. I have linked all of my favourite oils below, from BWFOL (Buy Whole Foods Online) which is quite frankly the best thing to happen to me since lockdown 😉.

On my Instagram, friends often share what oils/diffusers they have been using, so there is always space for trying new things. I’m also considering studying Aromatherapy, to get that under my belt. If you have a course in mind or even a sponsorship, please email me.

Let’s Jump In…

  1. Lavender: Semi-sweet floral smell, quite strong and aids in total relaxation & sleep. I tend to pair this with my body oil before bed. I usually buy big bottles because it’s my most used!
  • I use Lavender in my diffuser to begin “night time”, as well as/or putting 1 drop behind both ears and at the soles of my feet, and wrists. I may also add to my pillow but I honestly do whatever I feel in the mood for.

2. Peppermint: Very strong in an obvious peppermint smell, best to be used in the morning or midday to awaken and refresh my senses. If you like the minty fragrance you can also try spearmint which has a much sweeter smell.

  • I use this to ease any tummy discomfort – I usually add a few drops to some castor oil during PMS or a body oil if i’m experiencing bloating (DM me if you want a really AWKS airplane story about this *eyes*). I also use in a facial steam for headaches, with Rosemary

3. Ylang Ylang: Super sweet floral smell, which I have now associated with the mid-morning/day time. It is an awesome one to pair with peppermint for that perfect brightening vibe, or frankincense for a more calm and balanced vibe.

  • I use Ylang Ylang in my diffuser but also in my shea butter body mix. Simply add a shea butter, coconut oil and a few drops of oil to a jar and boom- yummy ylang gang!

4. Tea Tree: This almost antiseptic kind of smell has been easy to identify for so long! Used for addressing lovely spots and cleaning, Tea Tree is one I tend to use on it’s own as it’s not a subtle one! Ps. most essential oils are actually antiseptic which is a bonus.

  • I often put Tea Tree in the diffuser if i feel a little under the weather, with added peppermint. It’s also great for facial steaming and clears up throat and skin nicely. Occasionally I will add a drop to some water to clean my phone.

5. Frankincense: Yes, this WAS used in the bible which kind of explains it’s very earthy, dessert-like aroma. I watched a BBC Sahara Desert documentary a month ago, and saw the Nomads inhaling this as a ritual-type practise. It’s said to have antidepressant like qualities and I can really vouch for that. It’s not sweet, but it is strong and woody. Use lightly!

  • I use this beauty, on low-mood days, to lift my spirits. I pop it in the diffuser with Ylang Ylang and sometimes add a drop of Peppermint to the blend. I will also use it topically with my shea butter, on my wrist and shoulder tips, if i’m feeling particularly anxious or having palpitations.

I also tend to buy citrus oils such as Sweet Orange, Lemon & Grapefruit which pairs well with Rosemary too.

Essential Oil Diffusers

Where do we start? I know Amazon has many but, I have seen lots of people using the Tisserand Diffuser, which is also the brand of my oils from Amazon. The one I currently have is the VicTsing which works well for short term in a small room.

You may want a larger diffuser as the smaller ones will need refilling too often to fill a living room for example. I also prefer to have diffusers with less stimulating led colours, as exposure to light will suppress the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. For more on sleep hygiene, look out for my next post!

As always, connect with me on Instagram, let me know what you aromatherapy products you use!

Stay Blessed,

Dest x

Some links may be affiliated with BWFOL, which just means when you make your purchase through clicking my links, they will give me a small commission from that sale. Win Win!

My Truth about Yoga


A lot of church folk- bless their hearts (and mum’s too) have been low key telling me about why I don’t need to be doing yoga. Fair enough from their points, but here’s why i do do yoga. (read to the end!)

1. De-stress: I get tension in my body rapidly, when stressed or even when your controlling the stress, sometimes your body isnt used to you getting it together so quickly and you can still physically feel the strain. Its a little more calm and flowy than leg day at the gym if you get me. & the deep breathing helps.

2. IBS: I have had irritable Bowel Syndrome for about 3 years now and after trying to figure out how to handle some of the symptoms i found that many of the stretches i do in a yoga routine will wake up my organs and pump the blood or unlock whatever chemical reactions that need to take place in order for my digestive system to perform properly. Its an aid and it also helps with fatigue which i suffer with quite a bit! 

3. Mental & Physical Exercise: It makes me flexible and it challenges me mentally and physically. Just like any other exercise, stretching and mindfulness keeps me focused. I am only given this one body and this one life so i try to look after it intentionally and well, i enjoy it.  I do use the gym from time-to-time, but as i said before, moving your body in the way that yoga requires, and the breathing that goes with those movements, has a different effect on your body- something that I especially can benefit from. It’s a bit kinder do the body than some other exercises I could do.

img_0975.jpgNo. I don’t practise any spiritual rituals that place me in the position of God, nor do I need to empty my mind of everything in order to relax. When i do yoga i do it for me and occasionally i take the time to meditate on good and thank God for giving me that time and space and discipline to get up and move my body! (More on mediation in another post)

Guys, i am not evil for doing yoga because i’m Christian.. also its not JUST stretching and it IS exercise. Its relaxing yet physically challenging give or take some moves… 😄

Maybe if i could re-name it, long stretching.. stretching series.. i mean come on. Thats too much length lol. I understand the negatives that the origins of yoga has but i can promise you, I stretch, do deep breathing and meditate (on God’s word) each morning because I need to.

Be wise & Stay Intentional in all things x